It’s so simple to bring things in the home. You go to the shopping centre and come home with an armful of stuff, or jump online and press “buy” and a few days later it arrives at your front door – probably inexpensive and easy to do. But what is your process for getting it out of the home when you no longer need it?
This blog will look at setting up systems for recycling, ewaste, unwanted fabric and other household waste that can’t go in your council rubbish bins.
Household waste
Firstly, be sure to understand what can and can’t go in your kerbside rubbish bins.
Many city councils include pickup for recyclables such as cardboard, glass and plastic, another bin for green waste, fogo (food organic, garden organic) and general waste. Take a few minutes to brush up on the rules for your local area. How often is the general waste collected in your area?
Decluttering is much easier if you don’t let it accumulate in the first place.
Recyclable waste
In relation to recyclable waste, personally we have a recycle bin in almost every room in the house so it’s easy for everyone to put their stuff in the right bin.
What do you do to capture the recyclable waste in your home? What’s the system to get stuff out of your house? Do you have just one recycle bin, or multiple in your home to collect recyclables to be taken out to your council bin?
Unwanted textiles
Try Upparel for textiles that can’t be donated or reused.
A regular pickup from upparel reduces the amount of clutter that accumulates in your home.
Upparel is driving innovative upcycling solutions to end textile waste.
Round up all textile waste in your home, follow the below link, add the weight, number of boxes, pay and someone will pick it up from your front door.
Have you got a bundle of stuff that could be picked up by them right now? e
Other options for unwanted textiles
Check out the options available to get unwanted stuff out of the house:
Unwanted textiles that cannot be donated: – Drop off at Zara and H&M
Sheets and towels (any brand)
– Drop off at Sheridan at your local Boutique, Studio or Outlet store.
Electrical waste
Drop off your electrical waste (computer keyboards, mice and other peripherals, batteries, pens and highlighters and much more!!) at Officeworks
Contact me if you are you having trouble getting rid of from your house?
This whole blog shares ways to get unwanted stuff out of the house when you no longer need it.
Other donation options for things you no longer need
Check out this long list of donation options that I have put together if I haven’t mentioned the item you need to get rid of.
Soft plastic
As much as we try as a family we still bring some soft plastic into the house so we’ve set up a system to manage it.
Here’s a pic of a little bin my husband Jason & 11 year old Charlie installed under our sink. The back bucket is for plastic bags to be reused (bread bags mainly because I can’t use my fabric bags for bread in these COVID times) and the front is the plastic to go to Woolworths to be recycled.
What’s the system you use to manage your soft plastic in your house?
What’s next?
What’s your process to get unwanted stuff out of the house? Set up one, or all, of these systems in your house to stop clutter from mounting up in your home.
Too hard?
Talk to me about your systems and how you can improve them by contacting me here
Who is Julie Cliff, Declutter Coach?
I love to help people learn the skills to declutter and organise their home so they are relaxed, feel in control and reduce the overwhelm felt at home and use energy and time on family and other fun stuff and rather than being exhausted.