As a holistic business coach for entrepreneurial women, rather than apply a specific methodology, a cookie cutter approach, if you will to my work, my preference is for a bespoke approach. I have an extensive toolkit of models, strategies and techniques for sustainable, successful businesses, curated over decades in the corporate and entrepreneurial spaces. Why then would I limit my approach, and by default my clients’ results, to just one strategy or model which may not be appropriate or relevant?
Look, when we get to the crux of things, my clients share commonalities in why they reach out. The commonality is a misconnection between their energy and time when it comes to running their business. Put simply, they’re working far too hard, for far too many hours for too little money. This has an impact on them personally and professionally. My support comes not only from my extensive expertise and experience working with people, it also comes from a place of lived experience as a project manager, a financial services sector escapee and an entrepreneur of many, many years, across different industries and sectors.
One of my differences from my business coaching colleagues is my intentional lack of a niche. While I work with women who have been in business for more than two years, for me, the specifics of that business aren’t really relevant in many cases. It’s this diversity of client base that allows me to tailor my approach, and allow it to be completely bespoke against the person’s needs.
My coaching is aligned to the needs of my clients. This is the beauty of a bespoke approach. I align values and goals to strategies, rather than try to ‘retrofit’ a client into a model that may not actually address their needs.
That’s not to say I don’t have a clear structure and process that I apply, but if I were bedded or wedded to one specific approach with rigidity and no flexibility I’d simply be limiting the value I bring.
A coaching relationship doesn’t always a clearly defined path. While coaching conversations are guided or managed, there’s nuances. What has the client tried before against their defined challenges and roadblocks? What’s their history? What’s their experience? What are their strengths and weaknesses? Together, through coaching we’re exploring potential that’s largely individual, thus I need a multitude of approaches to bring to the table to help the person reenergise their biz and life a life they love.
Central to my coaching is a focus on high self-awareness, focus, action and results. That’s why I offer a number of programs, from a 30 day accelerator to really dig deep on a specific issue and get some traction, through to my 3 month program. Ninety days is incredibly powerful in terms of momentum and realignment. As to what clients walk away with in these? Well, that depends on their needs. Some need some strategic goal setting and 90 day action plans, some need some help translating their vision for their business into an ideal day/week/month to shift the needle on their results. It’s bespoke, and it’s wonderful!
For more information about my programs and coaching more specifically, please reach out – I have a free discovery session where we can catch up, have a chat and see if we’re a fit. I’d love to speak with you!